Moose Links: A golf course for moose.
Web Sites:
Moose Literature:
 | Moose Country Saga of the Woodland Moose by Michael
W.P. Runtz, Stoddard Publishing Co., ISBN 0-7737-5766-X, 1992, 110 pages. An easy
reading, comprehesive description of the woodland moose with a multitude of high-quality
full-page photos. Highly recommended.
 | Moose for Kids by Jeff Fair, NorthWord Press, ISBN
1-55971-187-6, 1992, 49 pages. A fun read for youngsters, lots of
drawings and pictures. (There is an entire series of series of
wildlife books for kids by NorthWord Press. 1-800-328-3895)
 | Wild Moose Country by Paul Strong, NorthWord Press, ISBN
1-55971-638-X, 1998, 160 pages. The author is a certified wildlife
biologist. Photographs are excellent.
 | Ecology and Management of the North American Moose
compiled and edited by Albert W. Franzmann and Charles C. Schwartz, A
Wildlife Management Institute book, published by Smithsonian Institution
Press, ISBN 1-560098-775-8. Encyclopedia-type book; contains just
about everything you'd ever want to know about moose.
 | Moose Giant of the Northern Forest by Bill Silliker,
Jr., Firefly Books, ISBN 1-55209-255-0, 1998, 144 pages. The author is a noted
wildlife photographer; the photos in the book are excellent and the text is very
informative. |
Travel to Northern Minnesota:
 | If you are passing through Duluth and you want information on the large ships which
frequent the port city, check out: www.DuluthShippingNews.com